Vireo Advisors, LLC

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OECD Workshop on Physico-Chemical Parameters Framework for the Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials

Vireo Advisor’s Dr. Jo Anne Shatkin is working with US EPA and will be co-facilitating an Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) workshop on Physico-Chemical Parameters Framework for the Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials in Paris, France on September 11, 2018. During the workshop, updates on two joint projects within the OECD Working Party for Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN) will be reviewed and discussed with subject matter experts: “Physico-chemical Decision Framework to Inform Risk Assessment” and “Guiding Principles for Measurement and Reporting”. Breakout groups in the workshop will discuss several topics related to these projects including:

•Harmonizing the physicochemical properties for nanomaterial identification/characterization

•Physicochemical properties related to initial exposure (e.g., dustiness), environmental fate (e.g., dispersion stability), and toxicokinetics (e.g., fibre status and biopersistence)

•Data quality and reporting

•Future needs and potential actions

The workshop will be held in conjunction with a Joint Scientific Conference on Grouping of Nanomaterials, co-organized by OECD and the European projects NanoReg2 and GRACIOUS (12 – 13 September).