Vireo Advisors, LLC

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NanoAOP Workshop coordinated by Vireo Advisors held at NanoTox 2018- 9th International Conference on Nanotoxicology

Vireo Advisors coordinated an expert workshop during Nanotox 2018 entitled, “Advancing Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) Development for Nanomaterial Risk Assessment and Categorization”. The workshop stemmed from an Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN) project that aims to advance the relevance of Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) for risk assessment of nanomaterials, and was co-sponsored by the European Horizon2020 Project SmartNanoTox. The focus was to gain insights from government, academic and industry experts on the current status, use, and future needs for AOPs as tools for the risk assessment of nanomaterials.

A plenary session was held during the conference in Neuss, followed by an evening workshop. Jo Anne Shatkin introduced the 60 participants to the workshop and kicked off a debate on The Two Faces of Inflammation: Adverse vs Normal Tissue Response between David Warheit of Chemours and Dr. Bengt Fadeel of Karolinska Institute.

Sabina Halappanavar of Health Canada kicked off the first panel discussion with a brief presentation on the technical, scientific and research questions surrounding AOPs; and held a lively discussion among panelists Flemming Cassee (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment), Tobias Stoeger (Helmholtz Center), Ulla Vogel (National Research Center for the Working Environment) and Dominique Lison (Universite Catholique du Lovain).

Harold Krug of NanoCASE led the second panel session, “Application and use of the AOP framework for the risk assessment of nanomaterials”, which included heated discussion from panelists Vicki Stone (Heriot-Watt University), Robert Landsiedel (BASF SE), Tom van Teunenbroek (Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment), Andrea Haase (German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) and Susan Dekkers [Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Risk Assessor Human Exposure and Toxicology]. A workshop summary is in preparation.