2016 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials  

The 2016 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials was held June 13-16, 2016, in Grenoble, France (Read more about Dr. Shatkin's experience here!). The conference brought together both academic and industry participants from over 24 countries with a focus on renewable and sustainable materials and nanotechnologies. EPA's Maria Doa was a Keynote, and occupational experts Chuck Geraci of NIOSH, and Thomas Peters of University of Iowa presented their latest findings.   

Vireo’s own Dr. Jo Anne Shatkin is on the organizing committee for this year’s conference, and a Theme Leader for the Safety & Standards  along with Heli Kangas of VTT.  Abstracts are Due December 31, 2016.