U. S. research results for all

The Biden administration just announced that by 2025 publications from U.S. federally funded research need be open access as soon as they are published: Currently they can be behind a paywall for 12 months.

The Plan S open-access publishing pledge brought the idea of open-access science publishing to everyone’s attention in 2018. European funding agencies and private biomedical funders such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Wellcome required immediate open access to research papers sharing work they funded starting in 2021.

But this new announcement is much more significant. The U.S. is the world’s most prominent research funder, with approximately 30% of global R&D in 2019.

Vireo Advisors, and the innovative companies and research groups we partner with around the world, will benefit from this change. Barriers to knowledge sharing are barriers to innovation. Everyone needs to be at the table, with access to all the information, as we work to address the challenges and opportunities presented by climate change and move towards a more sustainable future.