USDA responsibilities in establishments producing cultured meat

The US Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Directive 7800.1, “FSIS Responsibilities in Establishments Producing Cell-Cultured Meat and Poultry Food Products,” is a new directive outlining the specific requirements of the job of an inspector in a cultured red meat or poultry establishment with dual obligations to FDA and USDA.

Key points:

The FDA and FSIS jointly oversee the production of cell-cultured meat and poultry food products and share information.

Under Directive 5730.1, establishments that harvest cells for cell-cultured meat and poultry food products are dual jurisdiction establishments (DJE).

Cell-cultured meat and poultry food products are subject to the same FSIS regulatory requirements and oversight authority as meat and poultry products derived from the slaughter of amenable species.

Labels applied to any FSIS-regulated products comprised of or containing cell-cultured meat and poultry food products are not eligible for generic approval.